The price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness. -R.A. Heinlein

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! May God bless you with the coming one and keep you safe! May you serve him whole heartedly, without thought of yourselves, not so that you look good in front of others, but because by doing this, you bring glory to God. In this coming year, focus on God's will in your life, and when He calls, be ready and willing to answer.

God bless, Stay safe!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Yeah, so what about that lousy 4th amendment?

So, Obama signed a bill that allows Interpol to operate in the US without that lousy 4th amendment getting in the way. It's not like that bill protected US citizens or was there for a reason was it? No, it was just there to get in the way of justice right?

Let's think about this. We're putting a foreign force on our soil, without accountability, without a set of guidelines,  and with full immunity towards our law. That does not sound like preserving, protecting, and defending the constitution of the United States to me. This is not liberty, this is treason. This is not in the best interests of America. Tell me, is this what you want? Is this what you would have voted for? Let me know in the comments!

I say no, you do as the constitution instructs, and you back off. This country was supposed to be a sea of liberty with islands of government. The jokes over, bring back the constitution! I want my country back!


RSS feed

To my devoted readers:

Thanks for reading my blog. I never thought that this many people would be that interested in it. To make it simpler to see posts, I have added an RSS feed over on the left side bar. Its just above the blog archive. Subscribe if you like, ignore if you don't. This is just an easier way to view posts.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ok then...

I can't tell if this guys joking or not...

Tell me, is this guy for real?

An alternative to lockdown is immediate exodus via announcement. Although this removes potential hostages and makes it nearly impossible for the shooter to acquire preselected targets, it unfairly rewards resourceful children who move to safety off-site more shrewdly and efficiently than others. saying its unfair to those children who didn't make it to safety that others got away? That those who got away didn't get shot? Am I hearing you right?
But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.
 Glad I aint your child. I'd rather have Mr. Rapist dead and 6 feet under.

The stupidity of some people amazes me.

Prayer of a Sheepdog

Lord, give me the strength to do what is right, even when no one is watching. Make me a servant, one that will serve whole heartedly and without complaining. One who looks out for everyone else, and not for myself. Lord, guide my hands and my feet. Lead me down the right path, and when I stray, as I always do, carry me back onto the path dear God. I know I am a sinner. I know that I can't do this on my own. Please, I need your help in life. I am but man. Help me to realize that everything I have is from you. That it is only by you I can do anything at all.

Lord, give me the wisdom to know your will. It is difficult at times to understand why things happen or what needs to be done. I ask that your plan be revealed. Dear God, please help me humble myself enough to ask others for help. Most of the time, I am prideful, and I realize this needs to stop.

God, make my life a testament to you and your glory. Let my life be one that others can look at and see only you. Please God, today, let all glory go to you in everything that I do. Make me humble. Make me a servant. Don't let me take credit for anything that I do, for all the glory belongs to you.

Lord, when the time comes, give me the strength to die for my faith whole heartedly. I do not want to waiver on that account. But, let it be a humble laying down of my life. Let me not want to do it just to look good. Lord, you can take the smallest man, and slay a giant with him. Please, do not let your servant fail.

Let others find a loyal friend in your servant. Help them to know they can come to your servant with anything, and please give your servant wisdom in helping them. Give me the discernment to know what to do, and guide  your servant to do the right thing. Dear God, please keep your servant humble in all this. Let your servant be a defender of those who can not defend themselves. When others run from the bullets, give me the strength to run toward them. When friends fall, use me to pick them up. When people are in need, let your servant be able to help them.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Side bar update

If you'll look to your left, you'll see I have added the terror threat level, and NRA ILA news. Not getting paid for it, just thought ya'll would find that interesting. It's important to know whats going on around us.

Protecting your identity online

The internet is a very useful yet dangerous tool. It enables you to buy many items from the comfort of your own home, meet new people, catch up with old ones, organize events, stay connected, share ideas, stay informed, etc. However, you must be cautious about who knows what.

Online transactions: Buying things online is very efficient. It enables you to purchase things you couldn't purchase. You can transfer money, buy stocks, even have food delivered right to your door. The problem comes with payment. It requires a credit card. There are some people you can trust, others you can't. Same with everything. Even if you are buying from a trusted dealer, your number could be found by a computer hacker. Some credit card companies allow you to create a disposable credit card. You set an amount on the card, and a certain time that it can be used in. I suggest putting only the amount that you will be spending on the card, and only let it be used for a month at the most. When you create a card, it gives you a number to use. This number is connected to your main account, but can only be used for the amount you alloted, and only for the time alloted. 

Signing up for accounts: Whenever I want to sign up for an account on some website, I have to give out my email address. This leaves it open for spamming if the website chooses. Yahoo has something called address guard. Listed in the mail options, under spam, address guard allows you to set up disposable email addresses. These addresses are connected to your main account, but can be thrown away if compromised. I create a new address for practically every site I join. Helps keep me, and my identity, protected. Also, do not give out anymore than is required. If they are requiring your address and phone number along with the email, it's probably not worth it to join the site.

More to follow. Stay safe, and God bless.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Internet Security

More specifically Facebook. Facebook is a wonderful way to stay connected. You can find old buddies from high school, or the service who you've long since forgotten. It's a great way to share information. The problem comes when you start sharing that information with the wrong people. Therefore, I give you these rules:

Don't make your account public: There is a setting where people do not need to add you to view everything about you. This means anything you post is up for viewing. Depending on what you post, someone could find, cell number, home number, address, birth date, name, family members, favorite music, favorite activities, home city, current city, religious preference, political denomination, and more. And those are just off the top of my head.

Don't add people you don't know and trust: This goes back to the previous rule. If you don't know em, or trust 'em, there's no reason for them to view your information. It's dangerous in fact. The chances could be one in a million that someone wants to do something, but all it takes is that one. The more information you put out, the more dangerous it becomes. The smallest thing can give away something important.

Don't give out more information than is necessary: Cell phone numbers, addresses, siblings, etc. These are not necessary, and they give  out far more information than you can imagine. At least go into your settings and control who sees that information.

Make your profile picture and friends list private to anyone you have not "friended": The thing about friends lists, they tell a lot about where you live. By looking at what your friends networks are, you can normally narrow down where someone is to at least the city. Not to mention your friends may not be as discerning as you, and give away little nuggets of information. Profile picture can give other things away. For example, if you are in a uniform, someone could trace your unit patches, name, etc. Also if it was at a local restaurant, landmark etc. I know this sounds like a pain in the butt, and that's because it is. Information is way to easy to get a hold of these days.

Thats it for now, more to follow. Stay safe. God Bless.


Friday, December 25, 2009

On the first day of christmas my true love gave to me.......

...A cartridge in a pear tree.

Merry CHRISTmas everyone! Have a blessed day.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

And so, liberty dies.

Today the health care bill was passed. I'm going on record as saying the downhill slope of our freedoms disappearing just got much steeper. This, I am sad to say, is what I believe the end of our freedoms looks like. The government is gaining more and more control with each bill. This health care system will let them dictate everything down to the food you eat. Fortunately I don't think they'll be able to take away our guns, but the senate and house have shown they do not represent the people anymore. I fear that America is falling.

There may still be hope to repeal it, the bill doesnt take affect till 2013. We can vote out the critters that put this through, we can elect new ones that will represent us. But for now, it doesn't look good. We are heading for tough times. May God be with us.

God bless America.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


This is why I started reading lawdog. Check out his other stuff to.

Quote of the day

From Breda:
"Nothing says Merry Christmas like long distance rifles and dead terrorists."

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hygiene in a disaster.

During a disaster, like an earthquake or flood, it is very important to keep up your hygiene. Hygiene gives you a psychological advantage because it lets you control at least one aspect of the situation. Obviously you cant take a 45 minute long shower, however, so what can you do? Here are some pointers:

Clean your hands and face: Obviously your hands and face will get dirty afterwards (If not, your probably not doing your part) but clean them in the morning or evening. This is a big psychological boost, and in a survival situation, you need all that you can get. Something as simple as a clean face can help greatly in keeping a positive attitude.

Shave: Again, psychological boost. The only time I'd say not to shave would be places with many insects such as a rain forest. This could bring disease on you which you do not want. However, anywhere else, shave. A shaved face is something you can control. 

Change Cloths: This one could be more difficult depending on your resources. If you can change cloths often, however, a huge psychological boost will come, as well as less disease. If you can not change your cloths, at least change your socks. This will keep your feat from getting blisters, which, in a survival environment, could be deadly.

Keep human waste contained: This is extremely crucial as human waste brings deadly disease. In a survival situation, you and the other survivors are going to be in a heard like environment. This gives comfort, but also breads disease very well. Setting aside an area for waste keeps everyone healthy. The area should be far away from camp, and should be in a hole at least 10 ft down. This keeps wind from carrying it. Make sure it is at a lower elevation than the camp. Human waste could seep through the ground to the camp below which would be counter productive.

Sterilize medical instruments: Save the alcohol for cleaning the patients skin. Use fire for the metal instruments. Fire is very effective in sterilization. It kills germs almost instantly. Fire is also easily attained, and very versatile. Before the situation, you should learn to make fire, quickly and effectively. It is probably your most important tool to survival.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Gun registration

Jay G talks about it:

The problem with registration is it ALWAYS leads to confiscation. Always. Might take a few years, but they will come for your guns.

Monday, December 14, 2009


...They're real!

4 rules

Lets talk about the 4 rules of safe gun handling. These rules keep you alive. Show me any Negligent Discharge, and I can guarantee that they violated at least 2 of these rules.

1. All guns are always loaded: I don't care if the clerk at the gun counter just cleared the weapon for you and handed it across, you still need to clear it. Drop the magazine, rack the slide, visually and physically inspect the chamber. Once its clear you STILL treat it as if it was loaded.

2. Never point the muzzle at anything your not willing to destroy: These are tools. They can do a lot of good, but mistreat them and they are deadly. This means keeping the muzzle pointed downrange while racking the slide or clearing a jam. Also pay close attention when in multi-story houses. Don't go pointing it up towards the second story.

3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your ready to shoot: This does not mean put your finger on the trigger guard. If you flinch, your finger may slip off, and onto the trigger. Rather, you should put your finger along the slide of the gun. Your reflexes will still put it on the trigger just as fast.

4. Be sure of your target and what's behind it: Identify, identify, identify. Were told this constantly in training. Don't pump fluffy full of lead. Bullets tend to fly at very fast speeds, and strike with enormous  amounts of energy. When you hit your target, perfect, its down. When you miss, that bullet's going to continue on until something stops it. Make sure that something isn't something your not willing to destroy.

These rules should be common sense. Unfortunately they aren't. Practice these rules and I guarantee when you have your first ND, it will be a safe one.

Monday, December 7, 2009

This day in history.

"A day that will live in infamy" Remember pearl harbor. Remember the mistakes that were made. Remember the men that gave their lives. Be thankful for them. If you know a vet that was there, thank them. If you know someone in uniform, thank them as well. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Quote of the day

From SayUncle:
"Gun control: What we do instead of something."

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Now let's talk about lions. Lions are very close to sheepdogs with one exception. They don't go out of their way to defend others. They train to defend themselves, and, if necessary, to defend family. On the outside they're a cute cuddly kitten. Not something scary, just a normal person. However, when provoked, they become a clawing bitting lion that will destroy anything keeping them from getting to safety. Most people who train in the self defense community are lions. They will always be ready to defend themselves, and their family. They will never give up on their freedom.

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Shepherd

So, we have sheep, wolves and sheepdogs. What about a shepherd? Well, as you may have guessed, the shepherd is the Good Shepherd who is Jesus. The sheepdog is merely a servant of him. While the sheepdog may fail, the Shepherd never will. The Shepherd cares about the safety of the flock. He will always look out for whats best. The Shepherd keeps away the wolves, guides the sheep to water, leads the sheep to pastures to graze. Wherever the flock goes, the sheepdog goes with them. The Shepherd is the one guiding however. The sheepdog, at times, might follow the herd. The Shepherd, however, guides the herd back. The wolves fear the Shepherd like nothing else. The Shepherd is always ready, always watching, and always looking out for the good of the sheep (and sheepdog).

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Sheepdog

The Sheepdog never backs down from what he knows is right. His friends know they can count on him with anything. His goal is to help anyway he can. Bullies fear him, those in need run to him. Though he may not be seen, he is always there in a time of need.

The Sheepdog is a light in a world of darkness, guiding those who would otherwise stumble. He never looks down on anyone except to help them up. His step is sure, his hand steady. Those who turn to him will find a friend, faithful to the end. Those who rise against him will find an enemy to be reckoned with.

The Sheepdog is loyal to a fault. Stand next to him, you'll never stand alone. He will defend you to the death. Those he trusts are few, but those who call him friend will find a warrior bent on destroying any evil. Those the sheepdog trusts are those he knows will fight next to him. They are, in effect, true friends.

Friday, November 27, 2009

So pretty.

The hawk bill blades are very good for self defense. it allows a natural cutting motion, and uses the same shape God gave animals for clawing. The hole at the back provides better grip, and extended striking distance if use correctly. Takes some getting used to, but is over all an excellent design.

Dark arts for the good guys.

Theres another dark arts for the good guys out: Think Fast!

If you haven't read the others, here they are:

Required reading for any Sheepdog

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy thanksgiving

Happy thanksgiving everyone. Hope you all have fun and stay safe.

If thanksgiving offends you, oh well. I aint changing it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Rule number 6

Rule number 6 of Sheepdog's rules of life states: Know how to turn anything into a weapon.

Ok, great Sheepdog, now what. Now train with anything. It does you very little good to know how to turn it into a weapon of your not willing to use it as one, or haven't trained with it. A book is a great weapon, but it also opens up complications to use. If you do not understand these complications before hand, your first real life use of it as a weapon will be a rude awakening. You obviously cannot train with every possible weapon, because everything is a possible weapon. But, the more you train with, the better you are. 

In a fight, you must improvise or die. Being able to think outside the box is a necessity. "But Sheepdog! What if there are some people who just can't do that?" Life aint fair, no one ever said it would be. You can't improvise? Your what we call the walking dead. I understand some people can't do whats necessary to live, but they have to help themselves, or be lucky enough to have a sheepdog around to defend them. In this society, we focus on everyone being equal. Thats a good thing, but some people take that to mean they are entitled. Problem is, nature doesn't see it that way. In nature, you either have it or you don't. If you don't, to bad, pick up your darwin awards on the way out. Same thing with a fight. It doesn't matter weather its fair or not, it just is. Sometimes you can have the greatest amount of training out there, but if you don't have whats necessary for the fight, your done. You could be Jason Bourne, but sometimes, its still not enough. The best you can do is get the training to give you the greatest chance of survival. 

Also, never expect a fight to go the same way. Ever. Experience is learning from your mistakes, but you will never have two fights that go the same way. They will always be different, and always you will be surprised at some point in it. Your job is to recover faster than the attacker can recover from the surprises you throw at him. 

Stay light on your feet, and get out there and train. Training breads some experience, the rest has to be earned. Its a cruel road, but one that makes you stronger.

Stay safe, and God bless.

Improvise under stress

When things go south, they go south fast. The question is not if, but when. No plan survives the enemy on first contact, so be ready to improvise. The simpler the plan the better, but remember, have a back up for the back up for the back up plan. And when all those plans fail, have another. Expect nothing to work ever. Never assume that your weapon of choice will work. Expect your glock to jam, your magazine to not feed, your back up magazine ( you do carry a back up right?) to fall apart, your knife to break, your pepper spray to be broken, and in effect everything you carry to not go the way its supposed to. What then? Are you willing to kill with your bare hands? Have you trained to fight on the ground? Can you break someones knees or hyper extend their arm? Are you willing to cause them the greatest pain imaginable to stay alive? Decide now, because finding out in a fight is to late. Train with medium range, to close for comfort, and ground fighting.

Train under stress. Yelling, time limits, low light, rapid engagement, these all cause stress. One drill that I like is have someone suddenly yell to start and then count off three seconds. From start through those three seconds, you must unholster your weapon, rack the slide, safety off, then fire 3 rounds through the target (preferably the size of a head). This provides stress.

Another way is to do hand to hand combat blind folded. This opens up your other senses so you can "sense" what the attacker will do before they do it. Start off with just grappling or judo, but when you get better, move on to blocking strikes while blind folded. Mind you, this requires several years of experience

There are 4 modes to travel at:

White: Not paying attention, totally oblivious to the world. Basically they are prey, and will be surprised by anything that goes wrong.

Yellow: Paying attention, constantly scanning to know whats around, very contentious of their surroundings. Waiting to step up to the next threat level.

Orange: People at orange are aware of a threat that has just emerged. They are on a heightened level of awareness, ready to be attacked. At this stage, they have a weapon ready, though not visible. This is when verbal confrontation is a good idea, but from a distance. example: "Thats close enough, what do you want."

Red: Threat to life and limb is imminent, at red your body starts pumping adrenalin through your system. The weapons come into play, and it is now a physical confrontation.

Rule 4: Travel at yellow.

Traveling at yellow allows you to be aware of whats around you, and not be surprised when things go south. Traveling at white is suicide as far as I'm concerned, but much happier for the sheep. Basically its sticking your head in the sand.

The less surprise, the less stress in a fight. Being aware of whats going on also allows you to make those plans. When you have a plan, you have confidence. When you have confidence, you react faster and better. When you react faster and better, the attacker has to react to you. When the attacker reacts to you, he loses confidence. When he loses confidence, he loses the will to fight. When he loses the will to fight, he loses.

In conclusion, train under stress, train like its the real thing, have a plan, have a back up for the back up for the back up plan, and travel at yellow.

God bless.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Steven Crowder is a comedian who makes very humorous, but true, videos of political topics. He is right on with his views, and I highly recommend any sheepdog to subscribe to him.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dating at a young age

Many young people these days want to get in a relationship as fast as possible. While theres nothing biblically wrong with this that I can see, I do not believe it is a good idea. In your high school and college years, I believe you should be focusing on God and developing a relationship with him. Sure, be making friendships, and be socializing with others, but not in the since of boy friend/girlfriend. Anytime you choose a boyfriend or girlfriend, it should be because they seem to be someone who loves God more than they love you, and who you believe you can get along with the rest of your life. And thats just boyfriend/girlfriend, not even fiance or marriage yet.

You see, school is a very unrealistic environment. You will most likely never be in such and environment again. When choosing someone to settle down with, get to know them in the field. On a missions trip, in a job setting, etc. Someplace you have to work together, and endure stress together. In everything pray about your choice.

Unfortunately, people tend to go into a relationship with the idea that if it gets bad, they'll dump them and find a new one. This carries over into marriage, and when they don't feel the warm fuzzys anymore, they divorce and move on. This is a very poor way to go about it, especially since the Bible is very clear on God's view of divorce. It is better to go into any relationship ready to plow through for better or worse till dooms day. If your not willing to, dont get into it.

In any relationship, you should be ready to give unconditionally and expect nothing in return. Now, does this mean you should find someone who's selfish? Absolutely not, but you should not give only so you can receive. You should expect nothing in return for what you give. Its like with loaning to a friend. When ever you loan something to a friend, don't expect to get it back. If they are your friend, they will bring it back when they're done using it. If not, maybe they can't afford it at the moment. At any rate, only loan what you can do without. Your mind set should be to help the other person, with no regard to yourself.

May God bless you all.

Self defense

Brigid had her own encounter this weekend:

Read it, learn it, do it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lets roll

So the self proclaimed architect of the 9/11 attacks is going to be tried in New York. Receiving the same rights and privileges of a US citizen. When he and his comrades are found guilty, I hope they are put to the worst punishment. We all lost a piece of ourselves during 9/11. I will never forget what happened, nor will I ever be the same. My country was subjected to unjust torture and death. Those who perpetrated these attacks should expect nothing more in return. We are not a "paper tiger" as Osama Bin Laden claimed in one of his videos. Every one of the soldiers in our military is willing to die for the defense of freedom, but they are also willing to end the lives of any who threaten it.

Remember 9/11, mourn those who were lost, and bring those responsible to justice. And for my fellow Americans who feel the same, LETS ROLL!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Your funny of the day

Found this on Cold Steel:

Are You a Republican, Democrat, or Southerner?
The answer can be found by answering the following question:

You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children.
Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife, and charges at you. You are carrying a Glock .40 caliber, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family.
What do you do?

Democrat's Answer:
Well, that's not enough information to answer the question!
Does the man look poor or oppressed?
Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
Could we run away?
What does my wife think?
What about the kids?
Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?
What does the law say about this situation?
Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?
Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?
Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?
Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me?
Should I call 9-1-1?
Why is this street so deserted?
We need to raise taxes, have paint and weed day and make this happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.
This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few days and try to come to a consensus.

Republican's Answer:

Southerner's Answer:
BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Click..... (Sounds of reloading)
BANG! Click "Damn! I'm out!"
Daughter: "Nice pattern Daddy! Were those the Silver Tips, black talons, or them new Hollow Points?"
Son: "Can I shoot the next one Daddy?"
Wife: "You ain't takin' THAT to no Taxidermist!"


The Marine corps was formed on 10NOV1775. Since then they have faithfully served there country, and lived up to their modo of smeper fi. Now as tomorrow is their birthday, show your support by taking one out to lunch. Here are some pointers:

1. Do not make any sudden moves.

2. Do not make any loud noises.

3. Do not stare intently into the distance beyond the marine.

4. Remove all sharp objects from the table, this includes forks, steak knives, butter knives, butter, spoons, plates, cups, table.

5. Do not bare your teeth or bug your eyes out at him or her.

6. Do not have containers of broken glass and 10 penny nails. These are considered pre dinner snacks.

7. Make sure the meat is well done. Raw meat makes them aggressive.

8. Do not get meat juice on your arms for obvious reasons.

9. Make sure the Marine has had his or her tetanus shots or rabies shots if you did get meat juice on your arms.

10. Vegetables are what his food eats. Remember that.

11. Do not allow them around any pet birds. They treat birds like people treat chocolate bunnies during Easter.

12. Ladies, dump the Channel #5. If you really want his attention, apply some Outers gun cleaner behind the ears and a little gun oil on the wrists. If he is a redneck type, new tennis shoes (right out of the box) or gasoline (lead free) can do the trick. If a city boy, the smell of the inside of ping pong balls will work too.

13. Dogs are safe around Marines.

14. Children and loaded weapons are safe around Marines.

15. Do not let a Marine see an unattended loaded weapon around a child. You will get into trouble.

16. In all seriousness though, thank your Marine and all other soldiers and sailors for their sacrifice that allows you the freedom to do what you are doing right now.

17. Now get off of the computer and do something useful.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Loyalty is obeying rule number 29. "Forsake not, your country, your mission, your comrades your duty." It seems we have fallen away from loyalty in the past few years of this country. I for one am opposite the mindset of "look out for number one" or "worry about yourself first, then help others." My friends mean to much to let them fall. Evil is to great to let it succeed.

Hope and pray that you never need me, but rest assured I will not let you down. Its like the saying goes, "plan for the worst, pray for the best." It is in the worst times that the wolves, the sheep and the sheepdogs are most apparent. But as I stated before, the sheep forget that they will need the sheepdogs. They view the wolves and sheepdogs as the same, so they regulate. But I tell you, the sheepdogs will save the sheep weather they want saving or not.

If I die in the process of fighting evil, so be it. I am not afraid of death, I know where I'm going. When evil comes, I will rise to the occasion gladly. Ready to lay down my life for my country, mission, comrades, and duty.

If death don't bring you fear I swear, you'll fear these marching feet.

From Straight Forward in a Crooked World comes this.

This is the mind set I have had for many years. I do not fear death, but I am sure going to put up a fight if you try and kill me. Its like in the warrior song, "Come to the nightmare, come to me." If you bring me the fight, I will make sure I am your worst nightmare. "Chin in the air with my head held high, I'll stand in the path of the enemy lines" No matter how big and bad you are, I am bigger and badder. "Put a grin on my chin when you come to me cause I'll win" I will win.

When they come, they will find a killing machine intent on stopping them. If that means killing, I aim to do just that. You come in looking for a victim? Thats the biggest mistake you'll ever make. This sheep is a sheepdog, and this sheepdog is willing and ready.

Thats my mindset, and thats stopping power.

Bring it!

The soft goodbye

I love the band Celtic Woman. Here's a very pretty example of their talent:

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Prayers needed.

12 dead 31 wounded. Shot by their fellow soldier. Very sad. Pray for them and their families.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Alrighty, were heading into the holiday shopping spree season, so lets talk about one of the things I loath most: indoor malls. Especially around the holidays.

Malls are already some of the most unsecured, highest profile targets. They attract large crowds, are enclosed, have pretty much everything certain religious extremist groups stand against, and have very few exits. Add to that little kids lined up for Santa Claus, even larger crowds, and you've got a very graphic, very horrific, terrorists dream.

Lets think of this environment. Large crowds where its difficult to maneuver, difficult to control, and difficult to find people in. Large crowds where its easy to get massive casualties very quickly, easy to panic, and easy to get trampled in. And thats before you add in the stress of the holidays, the extra large crowds, etc.

Do you see why I hate malls period, and indoor malls in particular? I don't go to them unless I absolutely need to get something from them. And even then, its a commando operation. In out, quick as possible.

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

I've been reading up on Google Wave for some time, and am very impressed so far. I have sent in an application to use google wave since it is by invite only. Reading the wiki article on it, it appears wave is named after the 2002 series, Firefly. Being a Firefly nut, this only added to my liking of google. Check out the wiki article, and maybe sign up if your interested. While your at it, check out Firefly on hulu. And if you like it, watch the motion picture that wraps up Firefly. Its called Serenity.

Think outside the box

In training, we were constantly being told, "Think outside the box. Think outside the box." We were trained our mind is the best weapon. Everything else was just a tool for the weapon to use. No matter how stupid it looks, if it works, it isn't stupid. Like wise, if your in a situation, it doesn't matter how stupid what your doing seems if it works. No matter what you did, if it got you through, you did everything the right way. You'll always have regrets about what you did, and how you would change it, but the fact you got through means you did everything right.

Always, think outside the box. Its amazing what you'll find. In combat, fast, decisive, outside the box thinking keeps you alive. Like wise, when you run into a particularly messy situation, fast decisive, outside the box thinking will save yours, and others, lives.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Stopping power

When you think stopping power what do you think? Probably something over 9mm right? Well, lets take a look at this common misconception. Stopping power is the power to stop an oncoming critter. Now, can you stop someone with a .22? Yes. If you are well trained in the use of your weapon, or just plain lucky, you have stopping power. It does you no good to have a .4o S&W if you can hit the broad side of a barn, let alone center of mass.

Now, does that mean I think you shouldn't carry a bigger caliber? No, it means whatever you carry, let it be an extension of your arm. Train regularly, under stress, in different scenarios, with a time limit, etc. Don't have the mind set that because you have this type of gun, you don't need to train for accuracy.

Now, if you have trained regularly, you have stopping power. If your weapon of choice is a Walther P22, go for it. Its your choice. Id say practice lots and lots of head shots, but thats just me. Now, even wounding someone with a .22 could stop them. Actually, even the appearance of a gun may stop them. Most criminals wont stick around to contest the fact that you have a low caliber gun. Most don't want to get killed or injured.

Stay safe, and may God bless you all.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The stupidity! It burns!

A girl was suspended for bringing a spent shotgun shell to school for show and tell. Lets think about what a spent shotgun shell is....plastic, brass, and maybe some gun powder residue. Listen, there was no reason to suspend that girl. There was nothing even remotely dangerous about it. You could do more damage with a pencil. But because everyone is set in the mindset of guns kill, this is what happens. I have said for years that these "weapon free zones" do not work. They merely let the criminals know that no one will stop them when they start their killing spree. I believe that what liberals define as weapons should be allowed at school. If your caught mis using your knife, gun, tazer, brass knuckles (threatening someone, using it unsafely) you should then be suspended. But destroying the rights of all for the mistakes of few is wrong, and it just plain doesn't work.

The best defense against evil is that which evil does not know or see. If its a surprise, they have less time to react. But if its a uniform, they know who to attack first. All that wearing a uniform does in this case is make you a target. Think of Virginia Tech. If guns were carried by the students, Virginia Techs casualties would be much less if any at all. We have to get passed this mindset of guns being the problem and not criminals. If someone carries a "weapon" every day without going on a shooting spree, why would going to a school change anything? Do schools send out mind control waves saying "Kill! Kill! Kill!"? Of course not. Yet they are treated as such.

Stay safe, my friends. May God bless you all.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This infuriates me.

Locally a girl was raped while 15 people watched and did nothing! Needless to say, this infuriates me. As far as I'm concerned, it is everyones DUTY to stand up for others. Stand up for the innocent and the weak! For this to happen and people to do nothing is STUPID. Every single one of those people should have jumped on the guy. As for me, I don't care if I'm sued, thrown in jail, killed, hurt, or a combination of the above. If someone can't defend themselves, I will defend them. You can count on it. And if I catch someone trying to hurt a female, they better hope someone will save them from my wrath. It's coming on a biblical scale.

Now, I the ones that rape are bad, but in my mind, the ones that stand by and do nothing are worse. They let evil triumph. They should be ashamed of themselves. Unfortunately, I see we live in a society that supports this type of garbage. Where people who intervene are sued or even put in jail. This society seems to love criminals and hate the law abiding. They claim we aren't understanding towards them enough. That makes me sick! These criminals made their choice, its our job to make that choice the biggest mistake in the world.

May the Lord keep you all safe, and please pray for this girl and her family.

Quote of the day

"'Love is a battlefield' is never a more accurate phrase than when a couple is trying to "decide" who gets to clean up the cat puke. But calling in an airstrike is still over the top." -Caleb on facebook.

Q&A about Calebs self defense experience

Found here:

Check it out, and be sure to listen to gun nuts radio tonight. It airs at 7:00 central I believe. (if you follow the link, it will tell you what time for your time zone) They'll be covering self defense.

The Interview

Joe talks about the interview criminals give. Check it out.

Home invasions

They happen. Sometimes with 16 people. Let me explain something. They are scary, and they are fast. If you don't take away the control of those involved within the first few seconds, it's very hard to gain it back. I have never been in one, but with some of the self defense classes we teach, we have simulated ones. Some run, some stay, some freeze. You never know until your actually put in the situation, but let me tell you. Once we lost control and people stood up to us, it was impossible to do anything of the original plan. We had to decide to either try and fight, or get out.

For most, they will choose get out instead of fight. They'll move on to a different target, preferably one that doesn't make so much noise so that the neighbors will come, or that doesn't put them at great risk of injury. Some might stay and fight it out, but those are very rare. I will say this: if you do not fight back, they will go about their plans, and I guarantee they are worse than what you'll go through if you fight. Always, always, always, fight back. Don't give up. Don't be a victim.

Make your attack be Immediate, Direct and Explosive (click the don't be a victim link for more info on that). If even one person takes their control, that would be enough. Also remember, when one person stands up, the rest follow.

Stay safe.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Sharp as a Marble has something for Caleb:

If you don't remember from my earlier post, Caleb had an attempted mugging, and fought the misguided youth off with a hot coffee, and a .25 auto.

A .25 in the hand is better than the .45 left at home

Well, one of the gun bloggers I read had to fight off a would be mugger over the weekend:

Always remember, what you have is better than nothing. Don't disregard something because your not used to it being a weapon. Obey rules 5 and 6.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Your funny of the day....night....whatever.

Ok, it is funny, but it highlights a very important issue. Incoming fire ALWAYS has the right of way. Doesn't matter if you have the latest gun, if they've got a .22 and the round is launched first and hits you in the sweet spot, your done. So, while those modifications are awesome (and believe me, I love modifying things) make sure it doesn't get in the way of shooting accurately and making your shots count before the other guy.

Post offices are sensitive places?

I think the guys at the USPS take their jobs waaaaaay to seriously.

Lets think about this for a minute...your justification for baning guns at a post office is because there's mail? It wouldn't even help you keep the criminals out anyway! So please explain why infringing on my rights is going to make you any safer. Keep your laws off my guns.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Meanwhile, in former Great Brittan

Smallest Minority talks about Gun Crime in Brittan:

Hows that working for ya?

Quote of the day

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men sit idly by and do nothing

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Got this sent in an email:

(click to enlarge)
Its funny, but I wouldn't be able to leave them defenseless. I'm to set in my ways I guess.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ignorence is no excuse for a law!

Saw this on SayUncle.

Listen up! Keep your laws off my guns, my knives, and anything else you fancy you can ban. The bill of rights does not GIVE me the right to keep and bear arms (knives, guns, hands, feet, etc.) it only RECOGNIZES that those rights are God given. Therefore, it is not the governments place to decide weather or not I have those rights. Now, switchblades open fast, SO WHAT? What they gain in speed the lose in durability and blade strength. It takes a tremendous amount of power to move that blade out a few inches, so they had to cut back on blade thickness and size. However, if someone wants one, they should be allowed to have one!

Fight for your rights, if you ignore them, they'll go away.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Range stereotypes

SayUncle talks about range stereotypes:

Because all you need is a locked door

Police tell KATU that Elliott did not break in, as other media has reported. Police said the house was unlocked and the suspect let himself in. A burglary charge still applies, since he was not supposed to be there. Police said this is important to note so people in Forest Grove "aren't thinking some crazy guy is breaking into houses and trying to rape women."

Say what? Some crazy guys not going to break in to rape women, he's going to let himself in to rape women. Thanks for the clarification, I feel so much better. Guess I don't need this gun, I just need to lock my doors.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Thats gonna be hard to explain in court.

Saw this at saysuncle. The problem with these signs is that in certain states, the courts will try and prosecute you saying that you are some nazi just hoping for someone to break in so you can attack them. Same thing if you leave sniper tutorials, military history books, guerrilla warfare books, or military manuals in plane view for the cops to see when they arrive.

It is the prosecutors job to prosecute criminals, however, they will attempt to prosecute anyone they can if they have a chance of winning. I've seen it over and over in self defense situations.

Now, its your absolute right to have these books, and signs, and to display them prominently, just understand the risks. Most people don't want to put up with the hassle.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why sheepdog?

People may wonder why I have taken the name Sheepdog. Allow me to explain.

In life you have three types of people: Wolves, Sheep, and Sheepdogs.

Wolves are characterized as those who prey on the weak, the innocent, and the helpless; in other words, they prey on sheep. Wolves are bullies, who like nothing better than putting others down. Wolves are selfish, only looking out for themselves, and not caring who gets hurt along the way. They can be found wherever there are people. They will attack anything that looks or acts like prey.

Sheepdogs are characterized as those who fight for the innocent, the helpless, the defenseless, and the weak; in other words, they protect the sheep. Sheepdogs stand up to the bullies, with no regard to their own safety. Sheepdogs are selfless, always looking out for the others. Forever learning new skills to use in their life against the wolves. They will fight for anything they feel needs their help.

Sheep are characterized as those who are defenseless, weak, and helpless; in other words, they are prey. Sheep see the wolves and are afraid. Sheep see that they are constantly under attack, and try to stop the wolf and its kind through laws and restrictions such as no sharp teeth or claws. They see the wolf, and notice the large teeth and claws. The problem is they also see the sheepdog and notice its large teeth and claws.

Sheep cannot discern the difference between sheepdogs and wolves, so they restrict both. This brings a new problem. The sheepdogs, never wanting to go against the sheep, will follow the restrictions and file down their teeth and clip their claws. The wolves, will only laugh at the audacity of the sheep's restrictions, and, seeing the sheep defenseless, will attack with greater assurance of safety. The sheepdogs will fight back nonetheless but will not be as effective. They know that their fight is just, and will stop the wolves whenever they have the chance.

The sheep will always be afraid of the wolves, and the wolves will always attack the sheep, but as for me, I choose to be a sheepdog. Protector of the innocent, the helpless, and the weak. May God help me in my fight, for I believe it is a just one.

Rules for living

The following are my rules for living:
Except Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and love him more than anything

1. Integrity always
2. Never apologize for doing the job the right way
3. Use your pockets, they are there for a reason
4. Travel at yellow
5. Always carry a knife
6. Know how to turn anything into a weapon
7. Have some way to create fire
8. Be courteous, be polite, but trust few, and have a way to take down anyone you meet
9. Train like it's the real thing
10. Plan for the worst, pray for the best
11. Have a plan
12. Have a back up plan
13. Have a back up for the back up plan
14. Know how to use your tools, and how to maintain them
15. If you're carrying it, it should have more than one use
16. Never strike in anger, but always place your strikes with a cool head and a firm hand
17. Watch the door
18. Treat women with respect
19. Fight for the innocent and the weak
20. Survivor, not victim; Sheepdog, not sheep; Protector, not bully
21. Touch no one, let no one touch you
22. Do not rely on the government to fix your problems
23. Learn from the mistakes of others, you wont live long enough to make them all yourself
24. Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
25. Don't be a jerk
26. The mind is the weapon
27. Think outside the box
28. If you go in, have a way to get out
29. Forsake not your God, your country, your mission, your comrades, your duty
30. Get-R-Done and make it home

Thursday, October 15, 2009


The anti-guns are pushing for another assault weapons ban, saying we need to stop the flow of guns to Mexico. Lets think about this for a few seconds.

Option A:
The multi-million dollar drug cartels are going to send people over the border, to America, and buy Glocks legally for around $600, pass back ground checks, avoid ICE agents, etc. and send the guns back to mexico.

Option B:
The multi-million dollar drug cartels decide to go to the southern borders, and get fully automatic CAR-15s, M-16s, M-60s, etc; from panama and other countries, in return for a few bags of crack. No background checks, no ICE agents, not as much money.

Option C:
The police or military personnel who defect to the cartels bring their ARs, AKs, and hand guns with them, or use their buddies or position to hand whole weapons caches over to the cartels.

Option D: Multi-million dollar cartels steal whole weapons caches from the unmotivated, understaffed guards, or bribe the guards to take the weapons.

Now, if you were a cartel leader, which would you pick?

Monday, October 12, 2009


Found in an email:

Australian Shooter Magazine

An interesting letter in the Australian Shooter Magazine, which I quote:

"If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers.

"The firearm death rate in Washington, DC is 80.6 per 100,000 for the same period. That means you are about 25 percent more likely to be shot and killed

in the US capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US, than you are in Iraq.

Conclusion: "The US should pull out of Washington"


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Health Care

Found this in an Email:

Watch it, the guy knows what hes talking about.

Monday, October 5, 2009

13 year old boy chases off intruders with a shotgun.

Saw this at SayUncle. Excellent job on home defense!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dont be a victim

Saw this at Breda's:

Alright, listen. If someone is trying to take something that you can't give back, you fight like a cornered cat. A cat is nice and cuddly until you threaten it, then it becomes a mass of claws and teeth that has only one thing on its mind: to get away and to destroy anything keeping it from that goal.

When you find your self in a situation where you have to fight, your attack should be:

Immediate - Don't hesitate. Hesitation lets the enemy prepare.

Direct - You make sure the attacker knows he's in trouble, you barrel right into him fingers gauging at the eyes, knees striking the groin, elbows smashing into the jaw, feet kicking at the knees, whatever will make them go down and stay down.

Explosive - You must fight confidently and quickly, the more you explode, the faster you take away their feeling of being in control, and the more you gain control. Yell at the top of your lungs, this draws attention, fills your lungs with air, and gets your blood flowing, and your adrenalin pumping. It causes the attacker to be scared, lose control, not be able to concentrate, and generally lose the will to fight.

It never hurts to mark them for the police, claw marks on the face, broken limbs/joints, and screw drivers in necks tends to do this nicely.

Where I live, it is nearly impossible to get a license to carry a concealed weapon, and we are not allowed to open carry. If you can get one however, practice drawing quickly and efficiently, and shoot as often as possible. If you can, do some training with moving targets.

I have a lot more to offer, and I will in future posts, but thats all I have time for, for now.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

But, see, we agree with their cause

So, ELF uses violence, and everyones ok with it, but people protesting peacefully in TEA parties? Well, those people are bitterly clinging right wing extremists!

Israel your bad for protecting yourself! sincerely, the UN

Ok, lets get this straight, Johny Jihad sets up rockets using civilians as shields, and begins lobing them on Israeli civilian targets. Israel does not immediately bomb them to bits, but waits trying to tell Johny Jihad to stop. When this doesn't happen, they use precision munitions on Johny's rocket launchers, with deadly accuracy. Of course, some civilians are killed, but Israel DID NOT TARGET THEM. Notice the difference? Now, the United Nations accuses Israel of war crimes. Considering that these are the same people that call for the disarmament of law abiding citizens in the name of peace, which only arms the criminals by the way; I didn't expect much better. Now, the main thing I want to know is, who are the going to put on trial, and how are you going to try them? Are you going to send troops in? That worked so well last time remember? The only people I see who should be brought up on war crimes is Hammas. It's a freaking terrorist organization for crying out loud.

My rant is done for now. More to definitely follow.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Saw this at Sharp as a Marble.

The videos pretty much say it all. Please take the time to view them.

Very well done.

Lemme 'splain about myself real fast

Well, I finally did it, I created a blog. I mean to use this blog to give my views on Guns, Self Defense, Gun Control, The Lack of Respect to the US Constitution, and pretty much anything that pops into my head. I am 17 at the moment, a firm believer in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and very touchy when my rights are trampled on.

My views on the 2nd amendment are that it was put in place for the common defense against anyone who wishes to destroy the freedom of the American people. This includes rapists, murderers, invaders, those that do not respect the constitution, etc.

I will occasionally post items form the blogs on the side bar. Hope you all check them out, they are very well written.

I would prefer to keep my name and exact location private for now for security reasons.

Hope I dont bore you to death in the posts to come.