The price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness. -R.A. Heinlein

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This infuriates me.

Locally a girl was raped while 15 people watched and did nothing! Needless to say, this infuriates me. As far as I'm concerned, it is everyones DUTY to stand up for others. Stand up for the innocent and the weak! For this to happen and people to do nothing is STUPID. Every single one of those people should have jumped on the guy. As for me, I don't care if I'm sued, thrown in jail, killed, hurt, or a combination of the above. If someone can't defend themselves, I will defend them. You can count on it. And if I catch someone trying to hurt a female, they better hope someone will save them from my wrath. It's coming on a biblical scale.

Now, I the ones that rape are bad, but in my mind, the ones that stand by and do nothing are worse. They let evil triumph. They should be ashamed of themselves. Unfortunately, I see we live in a society that supports this type of garbage. Where people who intervene are sued or even put in jail. This society seems to love criminals and hate the law abiding. They claim we aren't understanding towards them enough. That makes me sick! These criminals made their choice, its our job to make that choice the biggest mistake in the world.

May the Lord keep you all safe, and please pray for this girl and her family.


  1. Same opinion that the ones who do nothing are worse than the criminal, since now they are enablers. May God change em. (shakes head, grrs)

  2. I totally agree with you, it's disgusting.Is it so hard just to push the guy away? amongst those people there must have been someone with a brain??

  3. I'd say break the nose, it causes them to tear up, for a clear second attack, and to stop what they are doing. It also marks them for the police


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