The price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness. -R.A. Heinlein

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Internet Security

More specifically Facebook. Facebook is a wonderful way to stay connected. You can find old buddies from high school, or the service who you've long since forgotten. It's a great way to share information. The problem comes when you start sharing that information with the wrong people. Therefore, I give you these rules:

Don't make your account public: There is a setting where people do not need to add you to view everything about you. This means anything you post is up for viewing. Depending on what you post, someone could find, cell number, home number, address, birth date, name, family members, favorite music, favorite activities, home city, current city, religious preference, political denomination, and more. And those are just off the top of my head.

Don't add people you don't know and trust: This goes back to the previous rule. If you don't know em, or trust 'em, there's no reason for them to view your information. It's dangerous in fact. The chances could be one in a million that someone wants to do something, but all it takes is that one. The more information you put out, the more dangerous it becomes. The smallest thing can give away something important.

Don't give out more information than is necessary: Cell phone numbers, addresses, siblings, etc. These are not necessary, and they give  out far more information than you can imagine. At least go into your settings and control who sees that information.

Make your profile picture and friends list private to anyone you have not "friended": The thing about friends lists, they tell a lot about where you live. By looking at what your friends networks are, you can normally narrow down where someone is to at least the city. Not to mention your friends may not be as discerning as you, and give away little nuggets of information. Profile picture can give other things away. For example, if you are in a uniform, someone could trace your unit patches, name, etc. Also if it was at a local restaurant, landmark etc. I know this sounds like a pain in the butt, and that's because it is. Information is way to easy to get a hold of these days.

Thats it for now, more to follow. Stay safe. God Bless.


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I would like to keep my identity private. If you know me, please do not post anything that could compromise me by giving out my name, state, phone, etc. In effect, act as if you do not know me personally. Keep comments civil, and polite please. God bless!