The price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness. -R.A. Heinlein

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A world without God

At the very core, humans are evil. We are not basically good. Take, for example, a young child. The child sees the pretty flame and wants to touch it. Being good and kind, and knowing they will get burned, you keep them from it. They do not think you know what is best for them, and continue to try over and over. When you stop them, if they had the power, they would tear you limb from limb to get what they want. Your life means nothing to them, their mind is one track, they do not have the values we as a society have. All that they see is oooo pretty, I want, I don't care who gets in my way.

So, obviously, most people don't kill whoever gets in the way of what they want, so what changed? Well, an atheist would say society. Society shaped them, but then, how was society itself shaped? I submit to you that there is a creator who loves his creation, and who has a plan that in the end works all evil together for good.

Well, why is there evil to begin with? Good question. I like this example: Light and darkness. In reality there is no such thing as darkness. We do not create darkness, we can not make darkness darker, it is merely a word we have created to identify a void. That void is the absence of light. Now, with light, we can always add more to make it lighter. It will ever get brighter and brighter, and there is no limit. God and evil are the same way. Evil is the absence of God. Take God out of the equation and evil flourishes. The world would be full of 1 year olds, but with the power to destroy anything that got in their path. There would be no reason to do right or good. No justice. No peace. Even the most evil men still had some light shown on them. God did not abandon them, no matter how hard they tried to push him away. This is apparent because they were not as bad as they could have been.

Thankfully, God does exist, and is good. Like the example of light, good can be added without limit. It can grow and grow, and God is abundant with it. He has no limit on His grace and love which He pours out to us. The darkness can not take away from the light, but light casts out the darkness. God, in the same way, can not be defeated by evil, but when evil attacks, it is driven away by His glorious might.

In the last days, after Jesus returns, and after the Holy Spirit has left the earth. Those that are left behind will experience true evil. Read the end of Revelations, it is not pretty. God is full of mercy, but is also just. In the end, He will not tolerate those who reject Him, and in those days, the people left on earth will cry out to the rocks to fall on, and bury them.

The God of the Bible is love, but He is not a helpless, defenseless God. Never forget that. He tells us what to do because it is best for us, but He is all powerful, and one to be feared. Without Christs blood covering our sin, we cannot even dare to stand before Him who created us. How foolish for us to believe that we are anything important.In Christ alone can we stand. In Christ alone is hope.

There is no hope for those that are of this world. The world only holds death and suffering. There is no hope in death. How sad that people should believe such things! I submit to you that a world without God would mean a world without order. A world without God would mean lawlessness, and without judgement for ones actions. If God didn't exist, what reason would there be to do right? Why wouldn't everyone try and be happy because this is all there is? There has been great evil in this world: murder, abuse, rape; but I submit that we have not even begun to see what evil would come from a world without God.

Praise Jesus for saving us. Praise Him who reigns over us. All praise and glory be to the God of the universe who holds all things together by His word, and cares enough about us to rescue us. Who cares about the world so much that He has held off on destroying it until all His elect are saved. That He shows his goodness by letting people on earth enjoy things. By letting his creation enjoy life and each other. Foolish is the one that rejects God's love! Foolish is he that says, "There is no God!" In the end, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Those who accepted His love will do so out of thankfulness and awe at His mercy. Those that rejected Him till the end will do so out of fear and awe at His power.

I pray that every reader accepts this love, that none turns it down.


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