The price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness. -R.A. Heinlein

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dealing with catastrophe.

Let's talk about survival situations in an urban area:

Say that we have a disaster with a magnitude like Katrina, where the entire infrastructure collapses. In the initial stages everyone will come together for the common good. We have a heard mentality, and will work for the good of the herd. But, as people begin realizing that there are not enough supplies to go around, it will become ugly. That is why it is important to make friends with those that can protect you later on. This means gangs in some cases. This may not seem morally acceptable, but understand that it is survival. Be ready to protect your supplies, that means, be ready to shoot anyone that tries to take them. Someone taking your supplies is a death warrant in this environment.

In disaster, creepers come out of the walls. Be ready for this, you will be the only thing standing between them and those you love. You will most likely not be able to hold them for authorities, as the authorities will be weeks away, and over swamped to boot. This means you will have to play judge, jury, and executioner, not a fun task. Be sure that you know what you are doing, do not strike in anger. Think things through, it will save you guilt later on.

The problem with urban is that it is not self sustaining. Everything comes from the countryside, and therefore, you eventually will have to move out. Have a plan to do so without using main highways or freeways. In some cases, they might not even be there. Know what environments you will have to to bug out in. If it's desert, know where the water is, and how to get it. Know the area, the plants, the animals, what can and can't kill you, and how to deal with it.

In a disaster, money will most likely become worthless, therefore have supplies to barter with. Beer and cigs are always going to be in high demand, and they are not necessary for your survival. Ammo and firearms is another, but you will need them for yourself, however, if you have ammo that you do not have a firearm for, it may be wise of you to use this to barter with.

As I write this, a tsunami is heading towards hawaii, pray for those that are there. The thing that caused this disaster was an 8.8 magnitude earthquake in chilli, pray for those there. Also pray for those in California, normally if an earthquake strikes South America, one strikes southern California within between 2 hours and 2 days.

God bless.


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