Saturday, January 30, 2010
To save a life
So me and my family went and saw To Save a Life today. It was very good, and very earth shattering. It opened my eyes and I'm sure many others to how great our God is; and this barely scratched the surface. It was very humbling, and I am extremely happy to have seen it. I recommend it to everyone. Everyone needs to see this.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
6 Doctrines of Islam
Over the years of done some studying on the religion of Islam and here is some of what I have found:
God: Muslims believe there is only one true God and his name is Allah. Allah is all seeing all knowing and all powerful. He is able to do whatever he wants including evil. This contradicts the Christian view of God. The Lord is all seeing, knowing and powerful, however, He can do no wrong. It is against his nature therefore, if he did evil he could not be God. Muslims also do not believe there are three persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) in the God head. There are, in fact, three persons in the God head, Father, Son, and Holy spirit, and these three are one God the same in substance, equal in power and glory.
Angels: Muslims believe the chief angel is Gabriel, who is said to have appeared to Mohammed. There are also demons, the jinns, who follow Shaitan, a fallen angel.
Scripture: Muslims believe in four god-inspired books: the Torah of Moses (the Pentateuch), the Zabur (Psalms), the Injil (Gospel) of Jesus, and the Qur'an. According to them, Christians and Jews corrupted the scriptures, however, and the Qur'an is Allah's final word to man kind. The Qur'an supersedes every other book. As Christians, we believe the Bible is God's word. We believe it is God breathed, and the final word of God. The Bible is above any other book. It is true.
Mohammed: Muslims believe that there were 28 prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jonah, and Jesus. Mohammed is the greatest prophet. Jesus was not a prophet. Jesus is the Son of God, and that he came to earth to die for our sins. He is our only way to be saved from our sins. Without Jesus we aren't even fit to live, only deserving hell. Jesus was not a prophet, he was God. 100% man, and 100% God. Holy, blameless, and without sin.
End times: On the last day, the dead will rise and all will be judged by Allah. Heaven is a place of pleasure, Hell is a place of suffering and those who oppose Allah are sent there. On the last day, each will be judged. Those who did not accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, will be thrown into the lake of fire. Those who did will go to heaven. It is not through works that we are saved, but by grace. We can not save ourselves. To be saved, you must deny yourself, and follow Jesus. In the end, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. This includes Satan and all the demons, the angels, and every created thing.
Predestination: The Muslim believes Allah has determined what he pleases, and no one can change it. This is why Muslims say "If it is Allah's will." The Lord has a plan. His will will be fulfilled. He works all things together for good. This includes the work of evil men. God did not create sin, but sin is, instead, the absence of God.
God: Muslims believe there is only one true God and his name is Allah. Allah is all seeing all knowing and all powerful. He is able to do whatever he wants including evil. This contradicts the Christian view of God. The Lord is all seeing, knowing and powerful, however, He can do no wrong. It is against his nature therefore, if he did evil he could not be God. Muslims also do not believe there are three persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) in the God head. There are, in fact, three persons in the God head, Father, Son, and Holy spirit, and these three are one God the same in substance, equal in power and glory.
Angels: Muslims believe the chief angel is Gabriel, who is said to have appeared to Mohammed. There are also demons, the jinns, who follow Shaitan, a fallen angel.
Scripture: Muslims believe in four god-inspired books: the Torah of Moses (the Pentateuch), the Zabur (Psalms), the Injil (Gospel) of Jesus, and the Qur'an. According to them, Christians and Jews corrupted the scriptures, however, and the Qur'an is Allah's final word to man kind. The Qur'an supersedes every other book. As Christians, we believe the Bible is God's word. We believe it is God breathed, and the final word of God. The Bible is above any other book. It is true.
Mohammed: Muslims believe that there were 28 prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jonah, and Jesus. Mohammed is the greatest prophet. Jesus was not a prophet. Jesus is the Son of God, and that he came to earth to die for our sins. He is our only way to be saved from our sins. Without Jesus we aren't even fit to live, only deserving hell. Jesus was not a prophet, he was God. 100% man, and 100% God. Holy, blameless, and without sin.
End times: On the last day, the dead will rise and all will be judged by Allah. Heaven is a place of pleasure, Hell is a place of suffering and those who oppose Allah are sent there. On the last day, each will be judged. Those who did not accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, will be thrown into the lake of fire. Those who did will go to heaven. It is not through works that we are saved, but by grace. We can not save ourselves. To be saved, you must deny yourself, and follow Jesus. In the end, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. This includes Satan and all the demons, the angels, and every created thing.
Predestination: The Muslim believes Allah has determined what he pleases, and no one can change it. This is why Muslims say "If it is Allah's will." The Lord has a plan. His will will be fulfilled. He works all things together for good. This includes the work of evil men. God did not create sin, but sin is, instead, the absence of God.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
More on Jihad
Here is a look at how the Palestinians use the media to further their cause for Jihad, especially among the youth:
Remember, this is a determined and ruthless enemy. They (Islamic terrorists) want to die. To be a martyr brings eternal sensual pleasure, eternal life in paradise, and means that their family is paid well. When a martyr dies for Al Qaeda, his family is paid handsomely for his sacrifice. Thus a martyr can ensure food for his family, as well as eternal rewards for himself. Add to it the significant depression rate, constant propaganda and call to arms, and a culture that breeds a hatred for the US and her allies; and its very understandable why Jihad looks so appealing to many Islamic youths.
Remember, this is a determined and ruthless enemy. They (Islamic terrorists) want to die. To be a martyr brings eternal sensual pleasure, eternal life in paradise, and means that their family is paid well. When a martyr dies for Al Qaeda, his family is paid handsomely for his sacrifice. Thus a martyr can ensure food for his family, as well as eternal rewards for himself. Add to it the significant depression rate, constant propaganda and call to arms, and a culture that breeds a hatred for the US and her allies; and its very understandable why Jihad looks so appealing to many Islamic youths.
The following is a video about radical Islam, and Jihad. Every American should watch.
Here is a very good post on what Islam is.
As for me, all I can say is lan ataslem, I will not submit. My friends, Jihad is on us. Weather you recognize it as a threat or not, it is here. The question is, do you bury your head in the sand, or do you stay informed and fight through the courts, the senate, and the house. If need be, do you take a physical stand? Will you stand for your freedom and religion, because I'm telling you now, both are at stake.
Those that fight Jihad are not willing to stop until the last infidel is stop converted or destroyed. Their message is clear: submit to Islam (which literally means submit) or die. I will not submit, I will take a stand, and if I die, I die for God, freedom and country.
We are in a holy war. Whatever religion you choose to follow is being attacked, not just Christianity, but any that is not Islam, including atheism. Those that have different sects of Islam are not even safe, as we've seen in Africa. The Islamic cause will continue until it has won or been destroyed. I for one am not willing to see option number one come into play in my life time.
These are the end times. Be wary. Memorize scripture, for in the near future, you may not be allowed to even own a Bible. Make your decision now, are you willing to be persecuted? Will you persevere? Be sure you faith is in Jesus Christ and His saving grace. We will be tested more than ever. Islamic extremists take joy in the suffering of the infidels. Be ready for pain and suffering. But also be ready for God to stand by you when you call. Cling to him, for you will not be able to stand alone.
I pray each one of my readers finds joy in Christ, and will stand firm when that day comes to take a stand. May God bless you and be with you.
Here is a very good post on what Islam is.
As for me, all I can say is lan ataslem, I will not submit. My friends, Jihad is on us. Weather you recognize it as a threat or not, it is here. The question is, do you bury your head in the sand, or do you stay informed and fight through the courts, the senate, and the house. If need be, do you take a physical stand? Will you stand for your freedom and religion, because I'm telling you now, both are at stake.
Those that fight Jihad are not willing to stop until the last infidel is stop converted or destroyed. Their message is clear: submit to Islam (which literally means submit) or die. I will not submit, I will take a stand, and if I die, I die for God, freedom and country.
We are in a holy war. Whatever religion you choose to follow is being attacked, not just Christianity, but any that is not Islam, including atheism. Those that have different sects of Islam are not even safe, as we've seen in Africa. The Islamic cause will continue until it has won or been destroyed. I for one am not willing to see option number one come into play in my life time.
These are the end times. Be wary. Memorize scripture, for in the near future, you may not be allowed to even own a Bible. Make your decision now, are you willing to be persecuted? Will you persevere? Be sure you faith is in Jesus Christ and His saving grace. We will be tested more than ever. Islamic extremists take joy in the suffering of the infidels. Be ready for pain and suffering. But also be ready for God to stand by you when you call. Cling to him, for you will not be able to stand alone.
I pray each one of my readers finds joy in Christ, and will stand firm when that day comes to take a stand. May God bless you and be with you.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Profiling...'re doing it.
Got that from SayUncle.
I'm guessing this is just something for when the FBI back ground check fails, they can point fingers saying it's his fault! Then probably shut down the store, press charges of some kind, etc.
Got that from SayUncle.
I'm guessing this is just something for when the FBI back ground check fails, they can point fingers saying it's his fault! Then probably shut down the store, press charges of some kind, etc.
2nd ammendment,
gun ban,
self defense,
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wimps and studs
What do you think of when you think survivor? The tracks star that always did things the hard way, and tried to impress everyone with their mad skills; or the wimps that always looked for the easier way to do things, and concentrated more on mind than muscle. It may come as a shock, but most survivors are what we consider wimps. If you try and do everything the "manly" way, then your going to basically kill yourself. A long term survival situation (long term meaning anything that would endure longer than say 30 minutes) is the time to slow down and think. Think smarter not harder. Take, for example, a hill. Your job is to get to the top. The side you are on is very steep, but your physical ability will allow you to run up it in about a minute. Around the back there is a trail you can practically walk up, but it will take ten minutes. The smarter move is to go around the back because you will save strength, however there is the downside of loosing time. It's a balance of time and energy. If you are going for long term, it is better to save your energy for later.
There is an old phrase: He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.
This holds true, and I know it sounds like the cowards way out, and thats because it is. But if your goal is to stay alive, you can't be killed if your not there to be killed. There may be times when you have to stay and fight while others get away, but at that point, your goal is not to live, it is that others may live. Now, weather you stay or fight is up to you. No one has to stay behind and stop the aggressors from advancing, that's why those who do are called heroes. Heroes very often die because they ignored their basic instinct of survival and went against their better judgement to save others.
Just some thoughts.
Health care
Saw this today in the paper:
A simpler, less ambitious bill emerged as an alternative only hours after the loss of the party's crucial 60th Senate seat forced the Democrats to slow their all-out drive to pass Obama's top domestic priority and reconsider all options.That's right, run. Now, Scott Brown seems to still be very left, but its a lot better than the other candidates, and for MA, he's as right as they can come and still be elected. Until now I had thought that the health care bill was a done deal, however, I see a silver lining now. Not setting any unrealistic expectations, but its looking a lot better than before.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
ZOMG! RACIST!!!!!!!!!!
A inside look at how we can till if something racist:
Anything done, thought, said, created, or imagined by a republican, conservative, or libertarian, is automatically RACIST if it is convenient. Anything done by a liberal, Hollywood type, progressive, socialist, democrat, or Kayne West is automatically NOT RACIST. This will be referred to as Rule #1.Read it. It all makes sense now! I feel enlightened!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Mistakes, everyones made them. Anyone who's tried has failed at one point or the other. Anyone with experience has made mistakes. When you make a mistake you learn. When you learn, you gain experience. When you gain experience, you don't make the same mistakes. Even the most experienced, hardened, time worn person will make mistakes. Humans fail. It's our nature. Part of the fall.
The trick is not to stop making mistakes, but to gain experience from those mistakes. A young child might touch a hot oven once or twice, but they will learn to not do it anymore. That's experience. They realized somewhere they made a mistake, realized what the mistake was, and determined how to do better.
Anyone who succeeded failed to get there. The ones that don't make it are the ones that didn't try, or gave up when they failed. I'm not saying that if you just try you'll succeed. That's an unrealistic view, but I am saying this: If you give up or don't try, you will not succeed.
Learn from yours and other peoples mistakes, trust me, life will be a lot easier.
The trick is not to stop making mistakes, but to gain experience from those mistakes. A young child might touch a hot oven once or twice, but they will learn to not do it anymore. That's experience. They realized somewhere they made a mistake, realized what the mistake was, and determined how to do better.
Anyone who succeeded failed to get there. The ones that don't make it are the ones that didn't try, or gave up when they failed. I'm not saying that if you just try you'll succeed. That's an unrealistic view, but I am saying this: If you give up or don't try, you will not succeed.
Learn from yours and other peoples mistakes, trust me, life will be a lot easier.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Self Defense Training
Brigid has an excellent post on it.
I suggest everyone reads this, but highly recommend it for females. The threat is real, your choice is to acknowledge it and train or ignore it and become a victim. I suggest when you train to take a mixture of martial arts. Train for medium range (kicks, punches), close range (throws, holds), and ground fighting (submissions, locks, grappling).
Some martial arts for these are Krav Maga (Israeli combat arts), and Systema (Russian combat arts). The karate school I train at teaches Karate, Judo, and Grappling all for the same enrollment price. This gives you all 3 ranges of fighting listed above. Karate (medium range with weapons and open hand), Judo (close range holds and throws), and Grappling (submissions, locks, etc.)
Look around your town and see whats available, however, be wary of karate and ancient martial arts like it. Nowadays, they focus more on looking good and disciplined and not enough on actual fighting. Gather intel, talk to the students and the sensei. If it seems to good to be true, it probably is. Make sure you are being trained with the skills you will need to defend yourself.
Read Brigid's post, stay safe, God bless.
I suggest everyone reads this, but highly recommend it for females. The threat is real, your choice is to acknowledge it and train or ignore it and become a victim. I suggest when you train to take a mixture of martial arts. Train for medium range (kicks, punches), close range (throws, holds), and ground fighting (submissions, locks, grappling).
Some martial arts for these are Krav Maga (Israeli combat arts), and Systema (Russian combat arts). The karate school I train at teaches Karate, Judo, and Grappling all for the same enrollment price. This gives you all 3 ranges of fighting listed above. Karate (medium range with weapons and open hand), Judo (close range holds and throws), and Grappling (submissions, locks, etc.)
Look around your town and see whats available, however, be wary of karate and ancient martial arts like it. Nowadays, they focus more on looking good and disciplined and not enough on actual fighting. Gather intel, talk to the students and the sensei. If it seems to good to be true, it probably is. Make sure you are being trained with the skills you will need to defend yourself.
Read Brigid's post, stay safe, God bless.
self defense,
stopping power,
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Mystery Google.
So the latest rage these days is Mystery Google. Mystery Google looks like a google search engine, but in a different template. Mystery Google however, is a bit more complex. When you search something on Mystery Google, you don't get what you searched for. Mystery Google instead searches for what the person immediately a before you searched for. For example, if one person searches for "US Flags", and I search for "Puppy dogs" immediately after them, I will come up with a search for US flags.
Now, you may come across a search that says "Your mission: say hi to a random person." This is a mystery google mission. The only problem comes when you get "Your mission: send a picture." In this case, they are giving out their email to who knows who. If you choose to accomplish the mission, then you are sending back your email to them.
I have spoken about internet security here and here. In the case of the above mission, I would use a fake account or create a brand new one. This will allow you to send emails anonymously if your careful. I would also warn others of the dangers of what they are doing.
Mystery Google is a fun idea, but dangerous if not used properly (like anything)
Stay safe, and God Bless.
Now, you may come across a search that says "Your mission: say hi to a random person." This is a mystery google mission. The only problem comes when you get "Your mission: send a picture." In this case, they are giving out their email to who knows who. If you choose to accomplish the mission, then you are sending back your email to them.
I have spoken about internet security here and here. In the case of the above mission, I would use a fake account or create a brand new one. This will allow you to send emails anonymously if your careful. I would also warn others of the dangers of what they are doing.
Mystery Google is a fun idea, but dangerous if not used properly (like anything)
Stay safe, and God Bless.
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