Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!
God bless, Stay safe!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Yeah, so what about that lousy 4th amendment?
Let's think about this. We're putting a foreign force on our soil, without accountability, without a set of guidelines, and with full immunity towards our law. That does not sound like preserving, protecting, and defending the constitution of the United States to me. This is not liberty, this is treason. This is not in the best interests of America. Tell me, is this what you want? Is this what you would have voted for? Let me know in the comments!
I say no, you do as the constitution instructs, and you back off. This country was supposed to be a sea of liberty with islands of government. The jokes over, bring back the constitution! I want my country back!
RSS feed
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ok then...
Tell me, is this guy for real?
An alternative to lockdown is immediate exodus via announcement. Although this removes potential hostages and makes it nearly impossible for the shooter to acquire preselected targets, it unfairly rewards resourceful children who move to safety off-site more shrewdly and efficiently than saying its unfair to those children who didn't make it to safety that others got away? That those who got away didn't get shot? Am I hearing you right?
But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.Glad I aint your child. I'd rather have Mr. Rapist dead and 6 feet under.
The stupidity of some people amazes me.
Prayer of a Sheepdog
Lord, give me the wisdom to know your will. It is difficult at times to understand why things happen or what needs to be done. I ask that your plan be revealed. Dear God, please help me humble myself enough to ask others for help. Most of the time, I am prideful, and I realize this needs to stop.
God, make my life a testament to you and your glory. Let my life be one that others can look at and see only you. Please God, today, let all glory go to you in everything that I do. Make me humble. Make me a servant. Don't let me take credit for anything that I do, for all the glory belongs to you.
Lord, when the time comes, give me the strength to die for my faith whole heartedly. I do not want to waiver on that account. But, let it be a humble laying down of my life. Let me not want to do it just to look good. Lord, you can take the smallest man, and slay a giant with him. Please, do not let your servant fail.
Let others find a loyal friend in your servant. Help them to know they can come to your servant with anything, and please give your servant wisdom in helping them. Give me the discernment to know what to do, and guide your servant to do the right thing. Dear God, please keep your servant humble in all this. Let your servant be a defender of those who can not defend themselves. When others run from the bullets, give me the strength to run toward them. When friends fall, use me to pick them up. When people are in need, let your servant be able to help them.
In Jesus name, Amen.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Side bar update
Protecting your identity online
Online transactions: Buying things online is very efficient. It enables you to purchase things you couldn't purchase. You can transfer money, buy stocks, even have food delivered right to your door. The problem comes with payment. It requires a credit card. There are some people you can trust, others you can't. Same with everything. Even if you are buying from a trusted dealer, your number could be found by a computer hacker. Some credit card companies allow you to create a disposable credit card. You set an amount on the card, and a certain time that it can be used in. I suggest putting only the amount that you will be spending on the card, and only let it be used for a month at the most. When you create a card, it gives you a number to use. This number is connected to your main account, but can only be used for the amount you alloted, and only for the time alloted.
Signing up for accounts: Whenever I want to sign up for an account on some website, I have to give out my email address. This leaves it open for spamming if the website chooses. Yahoo has something called address guard. Listed in the mail options, under spam, address guard allows you to set up disposable email addresses. These addresses are connected to your main account, but can be thrown away if compromised. I create a new address for practically every site I join. Helps keep me, and my identity, protected. Also, do not give out anymore than is required. If they are requiring your address and phone number along with the email, it's probably not worth it to join the site.
More to follow. Stay safe, and God bless.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Internet Security
Don't make your account public: There is a setting where people do not need to add you to view everything about you. This means anything you post is up for viewing. Depending on what you post, someone could find, cell number, home number, address, birth date, name, family members, favorite music, favorite activities, home city, current city, religious preference, political denomination, and more. And those are just off the top of my head.
Don't add people you don't know and trust: This goes back to the previous rule. If you don't know em, or trust 'em, there's no reason for them to view your information. It's dangerous in fact. The chances could be one in a million that someone wants to do something, but all it takes is that one. The more information you put out, the more dangerous it becomes. The smallest thing can give away something important.
Don't give out more information than is necessary: Cell phone numbers, addresses, siblings, etc. These are not necessary, and they give out far more information than you can imagine. At least go into your settings and control who sees that information.
Make your profile picture and friends list private to anyone you have not "friended": The thing about friends lists, they tell a lot about where you live. By looking at what your friends networks are, you can normally narrow down where someone is to at least the city. Not to mention your friends may not be as discerning as you, and give away little nuggets of information. Profile picture can give other things away. For example, if you are in a uniform, someone could trace your unit patches, name, etc. Also if it was at a local restaurant, landmark etc. I know this sounds like a pain in the butt, and that's because it is. Information is way to easy to get a hold of these days.
Thats it for now, more to follow. Stay safe. God Bless.
Friday, December 25, 2009
On the first day of christmas my true love gave to me.......
Merry CHRISTmas everyone! Have a blessed day.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
And so, liberty dies.
There may still be hope to repeal it, the bill doesnt take affect till 2013. We can vote out the critters that put this through, we can elect new ones that will represent us. But for now, it doesn't look good. We are heading for tough times. May God be with us.
God bless America.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Hygiene in a disaster.
Clean your hands and face: Obviously your hands and face will get dirty afterwards (If not, your probably not doing your part) but clean them in the morning or evening. This is a big psychological boost, and in a survival situation, you need all that you can get. Something as simple as a clean face can help greatly in keeping a positive attitude.
Shave: Again, psychological boost. The only time I'd say not to shave would be places with many insects such as a rain forest. This could bring disease on you which you do not want. However, anywhere else, shave. A shaved face is something you can control.
Change Cloths: This one could be more difficult depending on your resources. If you can change cloths often, however, a huge psychological boost will come, as well as less disease. If you can not change your cloths, at least change your socks. This will keep your feat from getting blisters, which, in a survival environment, could be deadly.
Keep human waste contained: This is extremely crucial as human waste brings deadly disease. In a survival situation, you and the other survivors are going to be in a heard like environment. This gives comfort, but also breads disease very well. Setting aside an area for waste keeps everyone healthy. The area should be far away from camp, and should be in a hole at least 10 ft down. This keeps wind from carrying it. Make sure it is at a lower elevation than the camp. Human waste could seep through the ground to the camp below which would be counter productive.
Sterilize medical instruments: Save the alcohol for cleaning the patients skin. Use fire for the metal instruments. Fire is very effective in sterilization. It kills germs almost instantly. Fire is also easily attained, and very versatile. Before the situation, you should learn to make fire, quickly and effectively. It is probably your most important tool to survival.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Gun registration
The problem with registration is it ALWAYS leads to confiscation. Always. Might take a few years, but they will come for your guns.
Monday, December 14, 2009
4 rules
1. All guns are always loaded: I don't care if the clerk at the gun counter just cleared the weapon for you and handed it across, you still need to clear it. Drop the magazine, rack the slide, visually and physically inspect the chamber. Once its clear you STILL treat it as if it was loaded.
2. Never point the muzzle at anything your not willing to destroy: These are tools. They can do a lot of good, but mistreat them and they are deadly. This means keeping the muzzle pointed downrange while racking the slide or clearing a jam. Also pay close attention when in multi-story houses. Don't go pointing it up towards the second story.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your ready to shoot: This does not mean put your finger on the trigger guard. If you flinch, your finger may slip off, and onto the trigger. Rather, you should put your finger along the slide of the gun. Your reflexes will still put it on the trigger just as fast.
4. Be sure of your target and what's behind it: Identify, identify, identify. Were told this constantly in training. Don't pump fluffy full of lead. Bullets tend to fly at very fast speeds, and strike with enormous amounts of energy. When you hit your target, perfect, its down. When you miss, that bullet's going to continue on until something stops it. Make sure that something isn't something your not willing to destroy.
These rules should be common sense. Unfortunately they aren't. Practice these rules and I guarantee when you have your first ND, it will be a safe one.
Monday, December 7, 2009
This day in history.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
The Shepherd
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Sheepdog
Friday, November 27, 2009
So pretty.
The hawk bill blades are very good for self defense. it allows a natural cutting motion, and uses the same shape God gave animals for clawing. The hole at the back provides better grip, and extended striking distance if use correctly. Takes some getting used to, but is over all an excellent design.
Dark arts for the good guys.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy thanksgiving
Monday, November 23, 2009
Rule number 6
Ok, great Sheepdog, now what. Now train with anything. It does you very little good to know how to turn it into a weapon of your not willing to use it as one, or haven't trained with it. A book is a great weapon, but it also opens up complications to use. If you do not understand these complications before hand, your first real life use of it as a weapon will be a rude awakening. You obviously cannot train with every possible weapon, because everything is a possible weapon. But, the more you train with, the better you are.
In a fight, you must improvise or die. Being able to think outside the box is a necessity. "But Sheepdog! What if there are some people who just can't do that?" Life aint fair, no one ever said it would be. You can't improvise? Your what we call the walking dead. I understand some people can't do whats necessary to live, but they have to help themselves, or be lucky enough to have a sheepdog around to defend them. In this society, we focus on everyone being equal. Thats a good thing, but some people take that to mean they are entitled. Problem is, nature doesn't see it that way. In nature, you either have it or you don't. If you don't, to bad, pick up your darwin awards on the way out. Same thing with a fight. It doesn't matter weather its fair or not, it just is. Sometimes you can have the greatest amount of training out there, but if you don't have whats necessary for the fight, your done. You could be Jason Bourne, but sometimes, its still not enough. The best you can do is get the training to give you the greatest chance of survival.
Also, never expect a fight to go the same way. Ever. Experience is learning from your mistakes, but you will never have two fights that go the same way. They will always be different, and always you will be surprised at some point in it. Your job is to recover faster than the attacker can recover from the surprises you throw at him.
Stay light on your feet, and get out there and train. Training breads some experience, the rest has to be earned. Its a cruel road, but one that makes you stronger.
Stay safe, and God bless.
Improvise under stress
Train under stress. Yelling, time limits, low light, rapid engagement, these all cause stress. One drill that I like is have someone suddenly yell to start and then count off three seconds. From start through those three seconds, you must unholster your weapon, rack the slide, safety off, then fire 3 rounds through the target (preferably the size of a head). This provides stress.
Another way is to do hand to hand combat blind folded. This opens up your other senses so you can "sense" what the attacker will do before they do it. Start off with just grappling or judo, but when you get better, move on to blocking strikes while blind folded. Mind you, this requires several years of experience
There are 4 modes to travel at:
White: Not paying attention, totally oblivious to the world. Basically they are prey, and will be surprised by anything that goes wrong.
Yellow: Paying attention, constantly scanning to know whats around, very contentious of their surroundings. Waiting to step up to the next threat level.
Orange: People at orange are aware of a threat that has just emerged. They are on a heightened level of awareness, ready to be attacked. At this stage, they have a weapon ready, though not visible. This is when verbal confrontation is a good idea, but from a distance. example: "Thats close enough, what do you want."
Red: Threat to life and limb is imminent, at red your body starts pumping adrenalin through your system. The weapons come into play, and it is now a physical confrontation.
Rule 4: Travel at yellow.
Traveling at yellow allows you to be aware of whats around you, and not be surprised when things go south. Traveling at white is suicide as far as I'm concerned, but much happier for the sheep. Basically its sticking your head in the sand.
The less surprise, the less stress in a fight. Being aware of whats going on also allows you to make those plans. When you have a plan, you have confidence. When you have confidence, you react faster and better. When you react faster and better, the attacker has to react to you. When the attacker reacts to you, he loses confidence. When he loses confidence, he loses the will to fight. When he loses the will to fight, he loses.
In conclusion, train under stress, train like its the real thing, have a plan, have a back up for the back up for the back up plan, and travel at yellow.
God bless.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dating at a young age
Self defense
Friday, November 13, 2009
Lets roll
Monday, November 9, 2009
Your funny of the day
The answer can be found by answering the following question:
You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children.
Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife, and charges at you. You are carrying a Glock .40 caliber, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family.
What do you do?
Democrat's Answer:
Well, that's not enough information to answer the question!
Does the man look poor or oppressed?
Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
Could we run away?
What does my wife think?
What about the kids?
Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?
What does the law say about this situation?
Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?
Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?
Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?
Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me?
Should I call 9-1-1?
Why is this street so deserted?
We need to raise taxes, have paint and weed day and make this happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.
This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few days and try to come to a consensus.
Republican's Answer:
Southerner's Answer:
BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Click..... (Sounds of reloading)
BANG! Click "Damn! I'm out!"
Daughter: "Nice pattern Daddy! Were those the Silver Tips, black talons, or them new Hollow Points?"
Son: "Can I shoot the next one Daddy?"
Wife: "You ain't takin' THAT to no Taxidermist!"
1. Do not make any sudden moves.
2. Do not make any loud noises.
3. Do not stare intently into the distance beyond the marine.
4. Remove all sharp objects from the table, this includes forks, steak knives, butter knives, butter, spoons, plates, cups, table.
5. Do not bare your teeth or bug your eyes out at him or her.
6. Do not have containers of broken glass and 10 penny nails. These are considered pre dinner snacks.
7. Make sure the meat is well done. Raw meat makes them aggressive.
8. Do not get meat juice on your arms for obvious reasons.
9. Make sure the Marine has had his or her tetanus shots or rabies shots if you did get meat juice on your arms.
10. Vegetables are what his food eats. Remember that.
11. Do not allow them around any pet birds. They treat birds like people treat chocolate bunnies during Easter.
12. Ladies, dump the Channel #5. If you really want his attention, apply some Outers gun cleaner behind the ears and a little gun oil on the wrists. If he is a redneck type, new tennis shoes (right out of the box) or gasoline (lead free) can do the trick. If a city boy, the smell of the inside of ping pong balls will work too.
13. Dogs are safe around Marines.
14. Children and loaded weapons are safe around Marines.
15. Do not let a Marine see an unattended loaded weapon around a child. You will get into trouble.
16. In all seriousness though, thank your Marine and all other soldiers and sailors for their sacrifice that allows you the freedom to do what you are doing right now.
17. Now get off of the computer and do something useful.
Friday, November 6, 2009
If death don't bring you fear I swear, you'll fear these marching feet.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Prayers needed.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
Think outside the box
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Stopping power
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The stupidity! It burns!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
This infuriates me.
Quote of the day
"'Love is a battlefield' is never a more accurate phrase than when a couple is trying to "decide" who gets to clean up the cat puke. But calling in an airstrike is still over the top." -Caleb on facebook.
Q&A about Calebs self defense experience
Home invasions
Monday, October 26, 2009
A .25 in the hand is better than the .45 left at home
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Your funny of the day....night....whatever.

Post offices are sensitive places?
Friday, October 23, 2009
Meanwhile, in former Great Brittan
Quote of the day
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Ignorence is no excuse for a law!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Because all you need is a locked door
Police tell KATU that Elliott did not break in, as other media has reported. Police said the house was unlocked and the suspect let himself in. A burglary charge still applies, since he was not supposed to be there. Police said this is important to note so people in Forest Grove "aren't thinking some crazy guy is breaking into houses and trying to rape women."
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thats gonna be hard to explain in court.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Why sheepdog?
Rules for living
2. Never apologize for doing the job the right way
3. Use your pockets, they are there for a reason
4. Travel at yellow
5. Always carry a knife
8. Be courteous, be polite, but trust few, and have a way to take down anyone you meet
9. Train like it's the real thing
10. Plan for the worst, pray for the best
11. Have a plan
12. Have a back up plan
13. Have a back up for the back up plan
14. Know how to use your tools, and how to maintain them
15. If you're carrying it, it should have more than one use
16. Never strike in anger, but always place your strikes with a cool head and a firm hand
17. Watch the door
18. Treat women with respect
19. Fight for the innocent and the weak
20. Survivor, not victim; Sheepdog, not sheep; Protector, not bully
21. Touch no one, let no one touch you
22. Do not rely on the government to fix your problems
23. Learn from the mistakes of others, you wont live long enough to make them all yourself
24. Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
25. Don't be a jerk
26. The mind is the weapon
27. Think outside the box
28. If you go in, have a way to get out
29. Forsake not your God, your country, your mission, your comrades, your duty
30. Get-R-Done and make it home
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Australian Shooter Magazine
An interesting letter in the Australian Shooter Magazine, which I quote:
"If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers.
"The firearm death rate in Washington, DC is 80.6 per 100,000 for the same period. That means you are about 25 percent more likely to be shot and killed
in the US capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US, than you are in Iraq.
Conclusion: "The US should pull out of Washington"