A girl was suspended for
bringing a spent shotgun shell to school for show and tell. Lets think about what a spent shotgun shell is....plastic, brass, and maybe some gun powder residue. Listen, there was no reason to suspend that girl. There was nothing even remotely dangerous about it. You could do more damage with a pencil. But because everyone is set in the mindset of guns kill, this is what happens. I have said for years that these "weapon free zones" do not work. They merely let the criminals know that no one will stop them when they start their killing spree. I believe that what liberals define as weapons should be allowed at school. If your caught mis using your knife, gun, tazer, brass knuckles (threatening someone, using it unsafely) you should then be suspended. But destroying the rights of all for the mistakes of few is wrong, and it just plain doesn't work.
The best defense against evil is that which evil does not know or see. If its a surprise, they have less time to react. But if its a uniform, they know who to attack first. All that wearing a uniform does in this case is make you a target. Think of Virginia Tech. If guns were carried by the students, Virginia Techs casualties would be much less if any at all. We have to get passed this mindset of guns being the problem and not criminals. If someone carries a "weapon" every day without going on a shooting spree, why would going to a school change anything? Do schools send out mind control waves saying "Kill! Kill! Kill!"? Of course not. Yet they are treated as such.
Stay safe, my friends. May God bless you all.
I’m really starting to wonder where schools are going to go next in quote ‘trying to keep students safe’ unquote. There’s this little thing called ‘common sense’; try it sometime, folks. Spent shotgun shells? Completely harmless; my neighbors and I used to collect them, trust me, unless you’re a really dumb dog who chews on everything and happens to choke on it, or you purposely poke yourself in the eye with it, you’re NOT going to hurt yourself or others with it. So what’s next? Mechanical pencils? Toothpicks? Plastic forks? Hardcover books?? PAPER?? There’s crime prevention, and then there’s stupidity. This would be a case of the latter, in my opinion.