As Christians, we do not believe that we are saved by good works. Rather, by grace. Everything we have ever done or ever will do is forgiven. Even our doubts about God. If we are saved by grace, then we are free. That is not to say that we should do evil and get away with it. Only that we do not do good to get salvation. Because of our salvation, we do good works, for the glory of God the Father. You see, it is not that we do something to get something, but rather, that we get something, therefore we do something. The doing is a product of the getting. Our salvation does not come because of anything we have done. God does not see anyone differently. We were all dead in our sins at some time. God's grace is available to all, but not all will accept it.
That brings us to the subject of God's elect. Some would say that only God's elect may be saved. I believe that it is only God's elect which will accept God's grace. Though it is open to those that are not the elect, they will not accept it. Should they accept, then they would be God would have already elected them. God wishes everyone to come to him, but knows already which ones will, and which ones wont. That is not to say that we should not evangelize, because God's elect will be saved somehow if they are His elect. We should evangelize, we should go into all the world and preach the gospel.
I believe that God uses His people to advance the kingdom. How incredible that He should use such wretches as us. That we, saved by grace, but still failing to live up to that grace every day, could be used to fulfill the will of the Lord of Hosts. We are broken, yet can still be used for good. It is incredible looking at history and seeing in what ways God used the most evil of men to do His work. If He can use such men to advance the kingdom, than He can most certainly use you, and me.
That is not to say that we are any better than those we know to be evil. We are all evil in God's eyes, unless we are covered by the blood of Jesus. I would say it is only by God's grace that we can even do good. That without God, we would all be worse than Hitler, Stalin, etc. I believe that the only reason there is any good in this world is because of Jesus. God's love for His creation is shown throughout life. The very fact that we can feel emotion is evidence of this. That we can feel happy, that we can feel love. That we can tell right from wrong. That those who do evil are eventually put to justice. How incredible! And how awful it would be, if God did not exist!
The Lord is full of mercy and grace. His grace is offered for all, yet few accept it. However, at least the option is open to them. How terrible to be one who grew up in the church, and saw the good that was around them, yet still rejected God! How great God's love for us! How great the hate of God is shown throughout the world! Oh that they would just turn back to God and accept such a love! Oh that they would stop running from and fighting with God! Oh that everyone would be saved! But, alas, it is not so. Alas, they have turned from God and His love, and have instead gone with the world.
How wretched is the man who has, at one time, walked with the Lord, but now follows the world. Oh how the Lord cries for him to return! And oh what joy to be brought back into God's presence! Even the prodigal son, while he was running from his father's hows, was still his fathers son; and oh how his father rejoiced when he came home! Blessed is he who was lost, and is now found! May he never leave again! May he go out into the world and proclaim what he has seen, and the great love that he has found! Hallelujah! Amen!
How deep the Fathers love for us,
How vast beyond all measure.
That He should give His only son,
To make a wretch His treasure.
How deep the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away.
As wounds which mar the chosen one,
Bring many sons to glory.
Behold the Man upon the cross,
My sin upon His shoulders.
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice,
Call out among the scoffers
Behold the Man upon the cross,
My sin upon His shoulders.
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice,
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin the held Him there,
Until it was accomplished!
His dying breath hath brought me life,
I know that it is finished!
I shall not boast in anything,
No gifts, no power, no wisdom.
Yet I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death, and resurrection!
Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer!
But this I know with all my heart,
His wounds have paid my ransom!
Oh how beautiful those words are! Oh how much meaning they have! To every Christian they should have deep meaning. To me, it gives me chills any time I hear it. Because of what I have done, Jesus had to die for me! And so, now that we are saved, we do not keep abstain from doing evil because we fear God's wrath, Jesus paid it all. We abstain from doing evil, and instead do good, because I do not wish to disappoint God, and instead, wish to please Him. Because He first love us, we love Him. It is the love of a perfect Father, and we, the imperfect sons, show love towards Him, though we can never love Him as fully as He loves us.
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