How often though, that we make the foolish decision, and try to please ourselves! How quickly we forget the great love and mercy shown to us every minute of every day! We are a wretched people, who's very core is corrupt. Everyday, we are reminded that we need a savior, and thankfully, every day, our savior, Jesus, rescues us. With one hand we praise God, and with the other we reject Him. Fortunately, God loved us enough to not only rescue us when we do evil, but to also begin a work within our heart. To change our sinful nature. We will fail Him every day until we go to heaven to be with Him, but His grace and love is everlasting. He will never forsake us. He will always forgive us. Let us praise Him! Let us thank Him! Let us be ready when He calls! Let us serve Him! Here am I, send me!
Some think that we must do good works to be saved. Foolishness! There is nothing we can do that would save us. We all deserve death. Only Jesus can save. Only He can change us. And because of that change, we live for Him. Because of the love shown us, we love others. How foolish to think that we can judge if someone is worthy of God's love! None of us are worthy! None of us deserve love. All of us deserve death and suffering. No one is good. No one is righteous. Therefore, we must take God's love to all people. Do not let a day go by when it is not shown!
Do you really believe, that what you believe, is really real? When I was first asked that, I had to think for a while. I prayed that God would show me, and thank God, He did. There is no savior except for Jesus. There is no way we can stand without Him. If we truly believe that what we believe is really real, then how can we withhold God's love? How can we keep it to ourselves? We must share with every nation! Do not let a single person leave without knowing God's love. Our God is mighty to save! Praise the Lord oh my soul!
I respectfully disagree, and believe you are wrong. I am not, nor was I born evil. I am tolerant, and would appreciate that if you believe that humans are naturally evil you apply it only to yourself and not impose it on anyone else. That would be hypocritical.
ReplyDeleteNow I will be disrespectful and impose me beliefs on you. You believe man is naturally evil, therefore created evil. Yet you believe that your creator loves you though he created you evil. You also believe that heaven is reserved for the good, and hell for the evil. Good and evil, which you define as belief or non-belief in your religion. If that is so then why would your god create you as a low being yet make a way for you to be good? Would it not make more sense that you were created good, for the purpose of doing good in the world, and then have your reward when you die? Of course, you say. It works either way, you say. Except it doesnt. Christianity's basic premise is that Jesus is salvation, and what is he saving you from? Sin, your natural evil. But what tells you that you have sin? It is not imperfection. Imperfection alone does not imply evil, or sin. It is your own Bible that tells you. The Bible says you are evil, and that Jesus is good. One requires the other. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and therefore an artificiality.
Thus I submit to you, my convictions.
I submit my response:
ReplyDeleteAs I read the above comments posted by anonymous disagreeing with the biblical teaching of the sinful nature of all mankind it's hard to take these comments seriously. It's essential in any discussion or argument to accurately understand and represent the other side. You clearly do not understand the biblical doctrine for which you say you disagree. In the first place the bible teaches that God created man in a state of moral innocence with the potential to chose good or evil. Man chose poorly. Therefore your assertion that God created man evil is wrong. Secondly you say that good and evil are defined by belief or non belief in Christianity. This is also quite simplistic and therefore wrong as well. In this fallen world which has been infected by the disease of sin through and through the only good is God himself. His very goodness and righteousness are granted by grace through the substitutionary atonement of Christ on our behalf. Thus we are clothed in the "goodness" of Christ! Thank God for this grand gift. Belief in this is not in and of itself the definition of good as you say. I welcome your response.