The price of freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness. -R.A. Heinlein

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

But, see, we agree with their cause

So, ELF uses violence, and everyones ok with it, but people protesting peacefully in TEA parties? Well, those people are bitterly clinging right wing extremists!

Israel your bad for protecting yourself! sincerely, the UN

Ok, lets get this straight, Johny Jihad sets up rockets using civilians as shields, and begins lobing them on Israeli civilian targets. Israel does not immediately bomb them to bits, but waits trying to tell Johny Jihad to stop. When this doesn't happen, they use precision munitions on Johny's rocket launchers, with deadly accuracy. Of course, some civilians are killed, but Israel DID NOT TARGET THEM. Notice the difference? Now, the United Nations accuses Israel of war crimes. Considering that these are the same people that call for the disarmament of law abiding citizens in the name of peace, which only arms the criminals by the way; I didn't expect much better. Now, the main thing I want to know is, who are the going to put on trial, and how are you going to try them? Are you going to send troops in? That worked so well last time remember? The only people I see who should be brought up on war crimes is Hammas. It's a freaking terrorist organization for crying out loud.

My rant is done for now. More to definitely follow.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Saw this at Sharp as a Marble.

The videos pretty much say it all. Please take the time to view them.

Very well done.

Lemme 'splain about myself real fast

Well, I finally did it, I created a blog. I mean to use this blog to give my views on Guns, Self Defense, Gun Control, The Lack of Respect to the US Constitution, and pretty much anything that pops into my head. I am 17 at the moment, a firm believer in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and very touchy when my rights are trampled on.

My views on the 2nd amendment are that it was put in place for the common defense against anyone who wishes to destroy the freedom of the American people. This includes rapists, murderers, invaders, those that do not respect the constitution, etc.

I will occasionally post items form the blogs on the side bar. Hope you all check them out, they are very well written.

I would prefer to keep my name and exact location private for now for security reasons.

Hope I dont bore you to death in the posts to come.